Gramma's Breakfast Bisuits
(Elinor's recipe)
2 1/2 cups Bisquick
10 oz. Cheddar cheese
1 lb. pork sausage (if you go with the 'sage' flavored, it'll be more savory, if you go with 'maple', sweeter)
Heat the oven to 400 degrees.
You may want to wear gloves, this can get messy.
Break the sausage up into a large bowl. Add about 1/2 the Bisquick, mix together with your hands. Add in about 1/2 the cheese, mix together. Add the other 1/2 of the bisquick, mix. Add the other 1/2 cheese, mix. Add enough water to this mixture to make a thick biscuit like dough. Form into round balls about the size of a golf ball and flatten very slightly. Bake on an ungreased pan until browned (about 20 minutes).
Serve with syrup, butter, jam, honey, cream cheese, plain... They're really good and really filling and hey... you can freeze them.
This is what I had for dinner tonight. I would have preferred gram's biscuits, but I *really* wasn't in the mood to cook. Instead, I spent the evening alternately packing, working on frankensteining that computer, and waiting for Dan to finish watching his movie right in the middle of when I was being all geeky.

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